Effective money spell
Effective money spell
First of all, you should know that money flows. Money can be bad or good, but in fact money itself is completely neutral. The energy you put into money determines what it means to you. If you are afraid of money or feel you don’t deserve it, you probably won’t have much of it. If you use money spells to gain momentum, you can keep it flowing and create abundance in your life. A spell is a collection of concentrated energy that is sent out into the Universe. When you can do it successfully, you will receive what you asked for back in your life. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it flies around when you gather enough of it. This energy must be concentrated so that you can see the results of your spell work. When you cast a money spell, you are essentially sending a whole lot of energy into the Universe to create a flow of money in your life. The money will then follow the path of least resistance to reach you. The more paths you leave open to receive money, the easier it will be to see the results of the money spell. Keep in mind that money will not fall from the sky. It will appear in real, tangible ways, through people, places or things.
See also https://spellcaster-reviews.com/category/recipes-for-love-spells/
Some of the ways to receive money through spells are:
An unexpected bonus at work
A gift from a family member or friend
A new job offer
A refund for something you forgot about
An unexpected increase in investment returns
And in many other ways. It can be the most random thing. Someone could visit your home, love your table and offer you twice what it’s worth. The possibilities are endless! The first spell will be a spell with a jar and the second will be a spell with a candle. So let’s start with the former:
1. money spell with a jar
A spell that ensures long-term abundance is the money spell with a jar. You can see the effects quite quickly, but it will also work for a long time.
The ingredients needed to cast the spell:
green candle
a small jar with a cap
a stick of cinnamon
cayenne pepper
1 piece of pyrite (fool’s gold)
bay leaf
pen or marker
How to cast a spell:
Prepare a place to work with the spell. Clean the work table with vinegar, light a few extra candles, lay out crystals and burn incense to cleanse the room.
Purify all the ingredients, using incense, sound or pendulum, etc.
Spend some time meditating on your intentions. Imagine the outcome you want; you should visualize your life as if you already have the money you need.
Light a green candle and then write your intention on a bay leaf. If necessary, you can replace it with a piece of paper. Your intention can be simple, for example: “Money flows to me in large amounts” or more specific, for example: “I receive 300 dollars for a car installment.”
Raise your energy, imagining the ideal outcome of the spell. Put some of this energy into a bay leaf, using a hand movement.
Put the cinnamon, cayenne pepper, 100 dollars pyrite and bay leaf into a jar and then cap it. Spend 2 minutes putting your energy into the jar using your hands.
Here’s what to say when activating the jar:
“Money, money, come to me.
I want to live in abundance
I want to get rich in the best possible way
Without hurting anyone along the way
Money, money, come to me
Let it happen!”
Repeat this spell three times. At this point the spell is complete.
The jar can be stored in any safe place. You can take it out and charge it during the full moon and add some energy to the jar with your hands.
Money attraction spells using a candle
A money spell using a candle works faster than a spell using a jar, but may not last as long. This spell is suitable when you need a certain amount of money.
green candle
bay leaf
pen or marker
fireproof vessel to burn the bay leaf
How to cast the spell ?
Note: It is a good idea to have a fire extinguisher on standby before performing any magic involving candles or open flame.
Prepare a place to work with spells. Clean the table with vinegar, light candles, arrange crystals on the table and light incense to purify the room.
Purify the ingredients using incense, sound, pendulum, etc.
Spend some time meditating on your intentions. Imagine the outcome you want; you should visualize your life as if you already have the money you need.
Light a green candle.
Write your intention on a bay leaf. If necessary, you can replace it with a piece of paper. Your intention can be simple, for example: “Money flows to me in large amounts,” or more specific, such as: “I receive 300 dollars to pay off my car installment.”
Raise your energy by imagining the ideal outcome. Put some of this energy into a bay leaf, using your hands.
Burn the bay leaf in the flame of a candle. When the bay leaf is burning, place it on a fireproof plate or container so you don’t burn your fingers. While the leaf is burning, pronounce the following incantation 3 times:
“Money, money, come to me.
I want to live in abundance
I want to get rich in the best possible way
Without hurting anyone along the way
Money, money, come to me
Let it happen!”
At this point your spell is complete. You can keep the candle in case your spell needs an extra boost; just light it again and meditate on your intention for a while.
Why didn’t my money spell work?
There are many reasons why a money spell doesn’t work. However, it is quite easy to pinpoint the problem and fix it. First, make sure the spell didn’t work without your knowledge. Make a note of all the extra money coming in. Did you receive something from the government? Were you unexpectedly gifted with cash or received an unusual bonus? The results of your money spell will be in the form of money that is different from what you receive as part of the norm. The regular bonus you planned to receive is not part of these results, but anything unexpected should be carefully considered. You’ll know your money spell is working if you get the exact amount you need or you get unexpected money multiple times in a short period of time.
If neither of these things happened, the spell didn’t work. Here are some of the most common reasons why money spells fail:
When casting the spell, you emitted the energy of desperation. Ideally, you should imagine that you feel rich in both money and life energy. However, the energy of lack rather than abundance can be quite powerful and can sabotage your spell before it is even completed.
When you’re casting money spells, it’s important to really believe that everything will work out. Try to let go of any fears and act as if the money is already on its way to you. The moment you believe it, it will become true. Our thoughts shape our reality. There was no opportunity for the money to reach you. If you sit at home, ignore your friends/family, don’t read your email, don’t apply for a job, etc., you’re not going to get the money. There are literally no channels for it to flow!
Try to go out into the world and open as many opportunities as possible for the money to come to you. If you don’t know where to start, just keep your eyes open. Sometimes the energy of a money spell will give you an idea of how you can make more money rather than specific money, at least at first.
If you already have many avenues open, you can probably expect to receive some actual money. You have personal money problems. This usually means that you have either been taught that money is bad, or have had experiences that have caused you to believe this. You may also believe that you don’t deserve money or that you are not valuable in some way. Try to clear these beliefs before casting money spells. You can quickly clear some beliefs with a pendulum, or you can do shadow work or even keep a journal to try to work through this programming. Remember that money is ultimately neutral. You haven’t gathered enough energy. On a technical level, every spell needs energy to work. This is the most common reason why money spells fail. If you have gathered a huge amount of energy, the spell is likely to work on some level, even if you have negative beliefs or don’t have many paths for money to flow through. Ultimately, energy can accomplish the impossible.